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  • longitude -- The longitude of the location in degrees (EPSG 4326)
  • latitude -- The latitude of the location in degrees (EPSG 4326)
  • gmtdiff -- GMT offset
  • method -- The method parameter can be NULL, an integer or an array. If it is NULL, the Umm Al-Qurra method will be used by default. If it is an integer, it should have one of the following values:
method value description
1 Egyptian General Authority of Survey
2 University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi (Shaf'i)
3 University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi (Hanafi)
4 Islamic Society of North America
5 Muslim World League (MWL)
6 Umm Al-Qurra (Saudi Arabia)
7 Fixed Isha Interval (always 90)

If method is an array it should contain the following paramters:

method array index description
0 Fajr angle (19 will be used if set to *NULL*)
1 Isha angle (0 will be used if set to *NULL*)
2 Imsaak angle (1.5 will be used if set to *NULL*)
3 Fajr interval (0 will be used if set to *NULL*)
4 Ishaa interval (0 will be used if set to *NULL*)
5 Imsaak interval (default 10 minutes before Fajr if Fajr interval is set)
6 Rounding spec
  • 0: No Rounding. Prayer.seconds is set to the amount of computed seconds.
  • 1: Normal Rounding. If seconds are equal to 30 or above, add 1 minute. Sets Prayer.seconds to zero.
  • 2: Special Rounding. Similar to normal rounding but we always round down for Shurooq and Imsaak times. (default)
  • 3: Aggressive Rounding. Similar to Special Rounding but we add 1 minute if the seconds value are equal to 1 second or more.
7 Mathab
  • 1: Shaf'i (default)
  • 2: Hanafi)
8 Nearest latitude used for extreme methods. Default is 48.5
9 Extreme latitude calculation method
  • 0: none. if unable to calculate, leave as 99:99
  • 1: Nearest Latitude: All prayers Always
  • 2: Nearest Latitude: Fajr Ishaa Always
  • 3: Nearest Latitude: Fajr Ishaa if invalid
  • 4: Nearest Good Day: All prayers Always
  • 5: Nearest Good Day: Fajr Ishaa if invalid (default)
  • 6: 1/7th of Night: Fajr Ishaa Always
  • 7: 1/7th of Night: Fajr Ishaa if invalid
  • 8: 1/7th of Day: Fajr Ishaa Always
  • 9: 1/7th of Day: Fajr Ishaa if invalid
  • 10: Half of the Night: Fajr Ishaa Always
  • 11: Half of the Night: Fajr Ishaa if invalid
  • 12: Minutes from Shorooq/Maghrib: Fajr Ishaa Always (e.g. Maghrib=Ishaa)
  • 13: Minutes from Shorooq/Maghrib: Fajr Ishaa If invalid
10 Enable offsets.
  • 1: enable
  • 0: disable (see offsets array in next parameter below)
11 Offsets array of 6 doubles to add/subtract minutes from prayer times. The following array will add 30 seconds to Maghrib, and subtract 2 minutes from Isha array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, -2)
  • date -- 2013-05-29.
  • day -- The day of the month.
  • month -- The month of the year (1-12).
  • year -- The 4 digit year.
  • dst -- Whether Daylight Savings Times is being used. default is false.
  • sealevel -- The sea level in meters. Default is 0.
  • pressure -- The pressue in millibars. Default is 1010
  • temperature -- The pressure in Celsius. Default is 10.

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